The court visits all costs upon them. 法院要他们负担全部费用。
Article 107 Any party filing a civil lawsuit shall pay court costs according to the rules. 第一百零七条当事人进行民事诉讼,应当按照规定交纳案件受理费。
The court ordered the costs to be taxed if not agreed. 法院命令如果达不成协议诉讼费用由法院评定。
Plaintiff requests the Court award Plaintiff reasonable attorneys fees and court costs incurred and to be incurred in prosecuting a contested divorce action. 原告请求法院判被告向原告支付合理的律师费以及进行本离婚诉讼而已经发生和将要发生的诉讼费。
What about the court costs if I have to go? 我需要支付多少诉讼费用?
If ownership is disputed in court, the costs are considerably higher. 如果对所有权有争议而上法庭,那么成本要高很多。
The judge pronounced for me, and also said that my opponent should pay the court costs. I cannot vouch for the correctness of the transcript of proceeding. 法官宣判我胜诉,并且说对方负担诉讼费。我不能担保诉讼的官方记录是正确的。
Some courts allow you to mail the fine and court costs without appearing before a judge. 有些法庭允许你邮寄罚金和诉讼费用而不必出庭。
There are two bases upon which the court may assess the amount of costs recoverable. 法院可基于两点来评估当事人应获得的诉讼费数额。
In1970, the Supreme Court ruled that it violates equal protection to keep inmates in prison extra time because they are too poor to pay a fine or court costs. 最高法院在1970年裁定,由于被收容者过于贫穷而不能支付罚款或法庭开销,而将他们超期羁押的做法违反了平等保护原则。
In resolving them, the court may allocate response costs "using such equitable factors as the court determines are appropriate". 在解决问题时,法院分配反应费用可以像做出判决一样那么恰如其分。
The Supreme people's court of China has formulated regulations on judicial assistance, and on postponing, reducing or exempting court costs for poor senior citizens. 最高人民法院制定有关司法救助的规定,对贫困老年人的诉讼费用实行缓交、减交和免交。
The judge pronounced for the defendant, and also said that his opponent should pay the court costs. This determination of fundamental rights is critical to Plaintiffs because they continue to suffer as a result of the legal limbo in which they find themselves. 法官作出有利于被告的判决,并要原告偿付法庭费用。这项基本权利的裁决对原告甚为重要,因为其长久以来苦于所处的法律三不管身份。
At$ 12 for every mile, plus$ 40 court costs, plus the rise in her insurance, what's her total cost? 每英里罚12美元,外加40美元出庭费,再加上她保险费的增加,最后这个老师要交多少钱?
On the Burden of Law Enforcement about the Court Costs in Different Places of the Status Quo and Improvement Countermeasures 论我国法院异地执法费用负担的现状与改进对策
Judge Judith Bartnoff ruled Monday that the lawsuit was unreasonable and ordered Pearson to pay court costs for the dry cleaners. 法官朱迪丝。巴特诺夫星期一裁决,这起诉讼毫无理由,命令皮尔逊支付乾洗店店主的法庭费用。
Drive carefully so you avoid a ticket and court costs. 小心开车,这样你就能避免罚单跟诉讼费。
On the Defeated Suitor Bearing Counsel Fee& Focus on Civil Actions; The judge pronounced for me, and also said that my opponent should pay the court costs. 关于律师费用由败诉当事人负担的探讨&以民事诉讼为中心法官宣判我胜诉,并且说对方负担诉讼费。
Or I will face having to repay the court costs myself. 或者我就得自己掏腰包把钱还给法庭。
That Defendant be awarded all reasonable attorney fees, court costs, and other reasonable costs and expenses of this action. 判令原告向被告支付全部合理的律师费、诉讼费和其它因本诉讼而花费的合理支出。
Even if you are able to beat it you most likely will have to pay court costs. 即使你能战胜它,你最有可能将不得不支付诉讼费。
When the given conditions are satisfied, it is necessary to adopt the method of coercive stipulations to grant the rights to the related director for requesting the compensation for the court costs. 在满足一定的条件下,应当采取强制规定的方式,赋予胜诉董事诉讼费用补偿请求权。
On the Compensation of Directors 'Court Costs in the Lawsuits Conducted by Shareholders' Representatives 法庭上的较量和商战同样残酷股东代表诉讼中董事诉讼费用补偿研究
In present study, the following are involved: 1. The common information on the victims of RTA who applied to the court for a costs order; 本研究的主要内容:1.研究起诉至法院请求赔偿的RTA受害人这一特殊群体中PTSD的发生情况;
Such group actions, such as jurisdiction to case, determination to plaintiff competence, extinctive prescription, court costs and so on, are expounded. 对这类集团诉讼案件的管辖、原告资格的认定、诉讼时效及诉讼费用等进行了分析论证。
The court mediation system suitability of existence is that it can reduce the use of reasonable remedy social cost of the court, whether the social cost in lawsuit or the court social costs can all be in this system to get to save. 法院调解制度存在的适宜性在于它的使用可以减小法院解纷的社会成本,无论是当事人诉讼的社会成本还是法院开庭的社会成本都可以在这个制度下得到节约。
Legal expenses insurance system refers to an insurance system, which means that the insurance have the right to request insurance companies to pay the Court costs for the insured according to contract requirement when the insurant are in the event of a lawsuit. 诉讼保险制度是指投保人与他人发生诉讼时,有权要求保险公司按照约定向被保险人支付一定诉讼费用的一种保险制度。